What is lupus (SLE)?
Imagine your immune system getting over-active and instead of protecting you, it attacks you. There are good days, bad days and really bad days. You'll never know.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Faint" Line

Sigh ...
It worries me every time I get a 'fainter' faint line.
I got one this morning. I tested with a 'cassette' type and it came out very slowly and 'faint'.
(Fainter than yesterday's PM urine).

Am I not producing enough hCg?
Should I go and see a doctor now or wait?

Above photo is yesterday's result - visible (dry).

And, the photo below is today's result - there's a line, just not so visible in photo.

This is a "no brand test", cost me RM 4.90, got it from the nearest neighbourhood pharmacy.
Most of the pregnancy tester here are of 'questionable' quality - no 'manufacturing' details, some doesn't even tell you exactly how long to wait - it just say, 'wait for a few minutes', no indication of sensitivity level - in four letter word 'C.R.A.P' - not cheap too, for 'C.R.A.P'.

Best to go for Wondfo OR Clearblue digital (with conception indicator).

I remember testing with Wondfo and the line came out in less than 1 minute and was so much darker than the rest of the 'stupid' tests I've taken, namely "Guardian Pregnancy Test".
The only place that I know sells Wondfo brand is Jusco Wellness Pharmacy in Sunway Pyramid and it cost RM 6.00.

So, as you can see, this is not a "CHEAP" hobby ... peeing on a stick or better known as POAS.

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