What is lupus (SLE)?
Imagine your immune system getting over-active and instead of protecting you, it attacks you. There are good days, bad days and really bad days. You'll never know.

Monday, March 21, 2011

MSM & My Nails

My nails are normally quite brittle but today, I realised that it has grown much longer than before.
Plus, stronger too!!
I really think that MSM is at work!
It seems to have strengthen my weak / soft nails.
Still, I'm going to cut it off a little shorter, not used to having them so long, and strong - can't bend them like before. Hehehe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) & Lupus Take # 4

On average I am taking 2000mg MSM daily.
Sometimes in powder form (when I have orange juice around, as, MSM powder can be bitter) or tablets.

A couple of days ago, I experienced pain on both my knees and I thought MSM has stopped working?
Or, probably I may have over-exerted them when there were no pain?
Maybe I did.

Anyway, my knees are okay now. Not super great to run up and down the stairs but okay to move around.
My nose congestion problem is also much more manageable now.
Even if my nose does get congested, VICKS inhaler now works, no need for nasal spray.
Surprisingly the usual PMS seem to be milder this time around.

My husband is taking a much higher dose and MSM is helping with his constant fatigue and muscle / joint pain. He is complaining much lesser now. Therefore, I am pleased.

Those interested in MSM can browse the following website for more resources :-
MSM Guide

Friday, March 11, 2011

Benlysta (Belimumab) : To Treat Lupus

Benlysta (Human Genome Sciences / GlaxoSmithKline), the new breakthrough drug for lupus.
Especially for Lupus. 
Approved by FDA to treat lupus!

So, why are all Lupie's' so excited?
Well, this may come shocking, but there are only 3 drugs approved to treat lupus by FDA, namely Asprin (1948), Corticosteriod & Plaquenil (1955) up until now, Benlysta (2011)

Hold your horses though (cats for some of us ...)

Here are two interesting facts on Benlysta :-

Although African American are known to be more predisposed with Lupus, yet, in clinical studies, they have shown not to respond to Benlysta. (How about Asians?). 

And, cost of Benlysta ...... drum roll pls .......
Estimated at USD 35,000 per annum , translated into RM 100,000 (a year!!!!!)
Cellcept that I'm taking, costs about RM 15K - 20K a year and I had to step on "many" feet to get it.
Imagine Benlysta, I need to take someone 'hostage'?

How does it work? 
Will it cure, induce remission or ... just control (like all the other drugs?). 
I don't know.

The price tag is beyond rich  reach to me at the moment, but, well, who knows? I might strike a lottery one of these days.

Benlysta will probably take another 5 years before it reaches our, ahem, mighty nation. (Hopefully, no drug recall by then)
Another 10 years for generic?

Sigh ... 

Oh well, at least, it is a start ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) & Lupus Take # 3

I increased my MSM to 1000 mg, twice a day.
Not sure it it was indeed "MSM" but, my congested nose is very much relieved!!
I didn't use any of the nasal spray yesterday, and today my 'nose' still feels good!
I am happy!

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is relatively new in Malaysia.
As I've mentioned before, I posted it on the local SLE society and the doc point me to QUACKWATCH, FYI, QUACKWATCH itself is outdated.
Providing outdated information can be very misleading.

Where do I get my MSM?
In tablet form 500mg MSM Live-Well from a local pharmacy. 

I don't see them selling it singly but it comes with a promotion pack of Buy 2 free 2.
Buy 2 of their Glucosamine & Chondroitin and get 1 Glucosamine & Chondroitin and 1 MSM (above) FREE.

Can't find any powder form MSM in Malaysia.
But, I did manage to get a kilo from US.
Hehehehe ...
You see, MSM is not only for human.
Pets too! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) & Lupus Take # 2

It has been over one week with me taking 500mg MSM, twice a day - AM and PM.
I've added 500mg of time-released Vitamin C once a day, AM.

Why MSM & Vitamin C?
Well, "Vitamin C helps our body assimilate MSM".

Overall, I feel there are some positive changes.
My left knee doesn't feel 'that uncomfortable' going up and down the stairs. I don't need to slow down and pressurized my right knee, like before. It is good.
Also, so far, no headache (TOUCH WOOD!)

However, two things bothers me now.

First, very sleepy. This is sleepy, pure sleepiness. Not tired sleepy - if you get what I mean.
Secondly, my nose feels more congested than before, need two times a day, nasal puff. Lots of phlegm.