What is lupus (SLE)?
Imagine your immune system getting over-active and instead of protecting you, it attacks you. There are good days, bad days and really bad days. You'll never know.

Friday, February 13, 2004

"I Think You Have Lupus"

I said to my boyfriend (hubby now), "Let's go Tung Shin!"

I approached the reception - didn't know which doctor to see.
I showed her my infamous "sausages" fingers.
She suggested Dr. Ng.

Dr. Ng looked at my earlier blood results. He was very concerned over the positive ANF results and elevated ESR.

He checked my swollen fingers and other joints.

He asked, "Are you sensitive under the sun? Have you ever experience rashes (like butterfly)?"
I answered, "Yes, and no for butterfly shaped rash." (But, years later, in a photograph, I realised that during my teenage years, I once did, have a magnificent display of butterfly rash, which I thought was hormonal pimples-like breakouts!)

He said to me, "I think you have Lupus .."

He ordered more blood tests and sent me home with Prednisolone. Yellow coloured little pills.
Take this, if you feel better and your swells subsides, it is very likely Lupus.

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